AVC eBooks Presented to Students of the Tourism Department in EREA and YSU 11/24/2016
AVC’s innovative and user-friendly tourism products, such as the Multimedia eBook Series and specifically the Exploring Yerevan eGuide, continue to attract more and more tourism-oriented audiences. In November of 2016, two lectures were organized to introduce the AVC eBooks to the students of the Tourism Department of the European Regional Educational Academy of Armenia (EREA) and the Service and Sustainable Tourism Department of Yerevan State University (YSU). The first lecture took place on November 15 at the Tourism Department of EREA, followed by the second one on November 24 at the Service and Sustainable Tourism Department of YSU. Overall, about 80 students and faculty members from both of the institutes of higher education were present at the lectures to learn about the diversity of programs that AVC offers. AVC Partnership Development Specialist Naira Gasparyan began the lectures by introducing the overall concept of AVC and its programs and AVC Researcher Tigran Yepremyan followed up by presenting the eBooks with a special emphasis on the “Exploring Yerevan” eGuide. Current and future tourism specialists learnt of the historical, social and demographic information within the “Exploring Yerevan” eBook, designed for readers interested in visiting Yerevan or for those simply interested in learning about the city. Of particular interest for the students was the eBook’s package of six one-day city tours and hikes that could guide the visitors throughout the city independently. During the lectures, the AVC team showcased the diversity of features included in the eBook, including videos, interactive maps, virtual tours, picture galleries, 3D and panoramic images as well as the different ways to download and view the eBooks. The series of lectures focused on AVC’s tourism-oriented products will continue in 2017 in order to serve as outreach for new audiences, who are interested in presenting Armenia to the world through innovative means and ways.