Introduction to Armenian Architecture – Part 2
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Armenian architecture is considered to be a major component of the world culture with its monuments and the significant role it played in the development of world architecture.
The course consists of eight lessons and introduces detailed description of medieval and modern Armenian Architecture.
The course has been designed to be accessible to a wider audience. The course is based on and develops the theories and works of Toros Toramanyan et al on the history of Armenian Architecture. It also evolves the aspects of the first textbook on Armenian Architecture by V. Harutyunyan.

Períodos oferecidos 2025

Inverno de 20256 de dezembro (sexta-feira) – 22 de dezembro (domingo) de 20246 de janeiro (segunda-feira) – 11 de março (terça-feira)
Primavera de 20257 de março (sexta-feira) – 23 de março (domingo)7 de abril (segunda-feira) – 10 de junho (terça-feira)
Verão de 20256 de junho (sexta-feira) – 22 de junho (domingo)7 de julho (segunda-feira) – 9 de setembro (terça-feira)
Outono de 20255 de setembro (sexta-feira) – 21 de setembro (domingo)6 de outubro (segunda-feira) – 9 de dezembro (terça-feira)

Topics Covered

  • The medieval schools of Armenian architecture;
  • Late medieval Armenian architecture;
  • Modern architecture and city-building (19th century);
  • Architecture of Soviet Armenia: Foundation phase and World War II (1920-1945);
  • Armenian architecture after the end of World War II and before the declaration of independence;
  • Armenian architecture during the years of independence;
  • Armenian architectural monuments in Diaspora.

What Will I Learn

Upon completion of the course, students will have familiarity with the medieval and modern Armenian architecture and architectural monuments. The chronology of significant events in the history of Armenian architecture gives knowledge about architectural developments in each historical epoch.

Course Schedule

Week 0

Orientation Week Students become familiar with the Student Manual, complete the Learning Style questionnaire, complete their profile, introduce themselves to one another, participate in the introductory discussion forum, and identify the time zone in which they are working. Students will also familiarize and verify the technical compliance with all the communication and learning tools to be used during the course.

Week 1-8

Lessons 1-8 (use of electronic texts and multimedia resources) 
Individual and small group activities

Week 3

Individual project due

Week 7

Group project due

Week 8

Final Exam

Course Requirements & Grading

Students are required to actively participate in on-line discussions, forums and chats, to participate in individual and collaborative activities, and to meet deadlines for assignments. Students are required to be familiar and comply with Academic Policy of AVC

Student performance will be evaluated based upon total points accumulated throughout the term according to the following: 

20% - participation
25% - individual project
25% - group project
30% - final exam

Grades will be assigned by letters according to AVC Grading Policy


Ani Dekirmenchyan

Teaching Methodology

The electronic resources have been designed for user-friendly access and comprehension by a broad audience. Activities and online discussions are supported by the illustration-writing, listening method, as well as the top-down method. Individual and collaborative student assignments are designed to engage students in authentic research and sharing of information. Students will gain from the course in direct relationship to the contributions they make to their own learning.

Course Materials

No hardcopy texts are required. Selected online resources will be included as a part of the lessons. Students are required to read/listen/view all material and complete all assignments.
The online resources are drawn from the publicly available specialized literature, academic curricula, studies of Armenian and foreign authors, multilingual works and publications. The electronic resources are designed for university and pre-university students, architecture researchers, and adult learners.

Course Sources

  • Cuneo P. Armenian Architecture (in Italian). 1-2 volumes, (Rome: 1988).
  • History of Armenian Architecture in 6 volumes (in Armenian). 1-3 volumes, (Yerevan: 1996, 2004 and 2002).
  • Harutyunyan V. M. Armenian Monuments (in Armenian, English, French). (Beirut: 1975).
  • Harutyunyan V. M History of Armenian Architecture (in Armenian). (Yerevan: 1992).
  • Hasratyan M. Early-Christian Armenian Architecture (in Russian and English). (Moscow: 2000).
  • Khalpakhchyan H. Armenian Architecture, General History of Architecture: 12 volumes. (in Russian). (Leningrad-Moscow: 1966), pp.197-299.
  • Khalpakhchyan H. Secular Architecture of Medieval Armenia (in Russian). (Yerevan: 1971).
  • Mnatcakanyan S.Kh. Architecture of Armenian church porch (in Russian). (Yerevan: 1952).
  • Mnatcakanyan S.Kh. Cross-type domed compositions in Armenia and Byzantium in v-vii centuries (in Russian). (Yerevan:1989).
  • Mnatcakanyan S. S. Early Medieval Armenian Memorials (in Armenian). (Yerevan: 1982).
  • Sahinyan A. Ancient buildings of Garni (in Armenian and Russian). (Yerevan: 1988).
  • Sahinyan A. Basilic Architecture of Kasagh (in Armenian). (Yerevan: 1955).
  • Tokarski N. Armenian Architecture (iv-xiv centuries) (in Russian).(Yerevan: 1961).
  • Tormanyan T. Topics on History of Armenian Architecture (in Armenian). 1-2 volumes, (Yerevan: 1942-1948).
  • Tormanyan T. Zvartnotc, Gagkashen (in Armenian). (Yerevan: 1984).