AVC’s Lecture to School Principals and Teachers in Istanbul 12/14/2015
The AGBU AVC President Yervant Zorian’s trips to the Armenian Community in Istanbul, Turkey have become a meaningful tradition. On December 14, 2015, with the initiative of the educational committee of “VADİP”, Dr. Zorian paid a one-day visit to Istanbul Armenians in order to spread the word about AVC to the community members. The meeting held at the Nazar Shirinoghlou Hall in Ferigyughi had generated a large audience, including school principals and teachers. The event was opened with the warm welcoming speech of Tamar Karasu, an active member in the community, which was then followed by Dr. Zorian’s comprehensive and engaging presentation of the Armenian Virtual College. Dr. Zorian especially concentrated on the recent achievements of AVC, and in particular, the increasing trend of attracting students from Turkey after Turkish was introduced into the AVC package of instructional languages. The presentation was accompanied by visuals and different multimedia material, and was therefore itself a small virtual trip into the Armenian Virtual College and into the world of e-Learning. The meeting was unique as it also illustrated AVC’s Hybrid Education Model, a system that incorporates the benefits of both online and onsite education. The school teachers and principals learned how a community school or center can adopt the blended education program into their curricula, allowing them to innovatively and attractively meet the needs of today’s students. Dr. Zorian, along with Mr. Sarkis Cavusyan and Mr. Nurhan Palakoglu visited the editorial center of the daily Jamanak newspaper and had a stimulating discussion with Mr. Ara Gochunian, the editor in chief, about the community and the perspectives of AVC. The trip to Istanbul and the interest of the Istanbul Armenian schools once more demonstrated the significance of AVC’s mission, and motivated its team to continue working with even more enthusiasm and dedication.